Todd Fast

Todd Fast

Premier Poste:: Order Selector, Serca Food Service, Vancouver, BC
Poste Actuel:: Director RSC Operations - Atlantic, Stellarton, NS
Famille: Mary; Caitlyn, Sarah and Nathan

Qu’est-ce qui vous a le plus marquée lors de votre première journée de travail?

I was surprised at the size of the warehouse and how much food went out every day.

Quel est le meilleur aspect de votre travail chez Sobeys?

The best part of working at Sobeys is the opportunity for career growth and development.

Quel est le moment de votre carrière chez Sobeys dont vous êtes la plus fière?

I was part of a team that installed a warehouse management system at every warehouse in Canada. It was three years of rewarding work.

Quel est votre souvenir préféré des 25 dernières années?

A warehouse employee was struggling professionally and personally, and with some talking and mentoring he turned into a great em- ployee and is still with us 10 years later. There are a few stories like that, and they're always rewarding.

Pour moi, Sobeys est une......

...a company that truly cares about its employees and customers.